
Mar 11, 2019

Performance Showcase 2019

I really had planned to write this past weekend, but on Friday, my sweetie and I drove to Logan and back to pick up Crafty so she could dance in the Performance Showcase.

It is so fun to watch her dance and although she was enjoying the Leadership Conference, she didn't want to let her team down. We ate at Angie's and then we picked up Crafty, stopping for Aggie Ice Cream on the way home. We arrived with just enough time for her to change and drive to the school.

On Saturday, we had our 6-hour cookie booth where we totally sold out of all of our cookies. After nearly 6 hours in the chilly air, I was freezing and it took me hours to actually warm up. Sometime during that time frame, Teach asked me if we could watch Twizlet for the evening and a possible over-nighter.

We had lots of fun, but as it turned out, Twizlet doesn't like to sleep and with Daylight Savings Time, we were up way too late.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, another of your big days. Always amazing all that you get done. I am happy that you sold out all your cookies. It was fun to see you for a moment.
    I enjoyed the photos of Crafty’s dance group.
    I’m sorry that little one wasn’t up for the sleeping. Daylight savings time does cause some changes. My husband and I slept in way to late this morning due to the change.
    Blessings and hugs!
