
Mar 28, 2019

Announcing Our Most Recent Addition... Little Squire

I am so excited to announce the birth of our newest little grandson! Introducing our own Little Squire. He was born on Monday around 1:00 pm. Beauty went into labor early... about 3 weeks early... and all thoughts of her scheduled C-section in April went out the window. At 5 lbs 10 oz, he was small, but not terribly so. Unfortunately, his lungs still need a little work, so he will be in the NICU for a bit longer.

Beauty came home from the hospital today and she is tired, but healing nicely. Little Warrior is so glad to finally have his mom back home! Although he does seem a bit confused about the baby that seems to be mysteriously missing... not to worry, he will see him soon enough. Little Squire will probably spend the weekend at the hospital, but join them at home next week.

He is beautiful just like his mama.

I can't even begin to tell you how beautiful I find this picture. Even if this weren't my oldest son and my newest grandson, I would love it. There is nothing sweeter than watching my children welcome children of their own. It is really the only way I think they can begin to understand just how much I love them.

You did good. 💕


  1. Little Squire sure looks a lot like Little Warrior. Little Warrior sure will be excited to be a brother!

  2. Congratulations on your new little one. I think having grandchildren is the best ever. You are right that there is nothing sweeter than to watch your child have a child. I loved all those moment. Praying that your little Square will do well and be home with his brother little Warrior quickly.
    Sending loving thoughts, prayers, and hugs our way!

  3. aww, congratulations! Hope Little Squire is able to come home soon!
