
Feb 21, 2019

Thanksgiving Point's Museum of Natural Curiosity

It's Birthday Week for our cute Twizlet! Can you believe she is 2 years old already? Her mama and daddy took some time off this week to make some memories and today they invited me along. Our destination was Thanksgiving Point's Museum of Natural Curiosity and we had so much fun!!

Love that curious face!
 Teach and Twiz picked me up about 11:30 and we made the short drive in my car. Twiz made it even shorter by volunteering to be the driver (he's a little crazy!) and it wasn't long before we were busy making discoveries.

The harp with no strings made beautiful music.

Twizlet was a little tired and grumpy until we got to the Water Works, but then it was hard to chase her down. Each exhibit was more exciting than the next. She loved the topographical sand and the water table, but her favorite were the giant vacuum tubes.

How strong is an earthquake?
She loves playing in the water!

The Jungle area was her second favorite and the little playground was the perfect size for a 2-year-old. She slid and ran and jumped and played until she had tired out all three of her adults.

We grabbed lunch at Cubby's and made it back home in record time so I didn't miss the haircut appointments for the boys.

Thanks, Twizlet, for letting me share in your birthday week!

1 comment:

  1. I reallylove the Museum of Natural Curiosity! I have been there with grandchildren a couple of times. I’m happy you had some great moment with your little one. Hugs for all!
