
Feb 25, 2019

February Birthday Party

We had our second month with combined birthday parties and I didn't hear any grumbling, so I think we managed to pull it off just fine. The menu was easy, Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, fruit with Princess's famous fruit dip and Teach's delicious scrambled eggs. The lighter menu was a hit; they ate pretty much everything!

Seating was tricky since my house is filled with Girl Scout cookies, but we managed to get everyone somewhere that they were at least comfortable. We realized this is the first time we have ever had the cookies and a birthday party at the same time since we usually don't get cookies until after March 1.

This is also the first time in quite a while that we have had all the kids here at the same time, and you know I love having them all together. We didn't do a formal cake since it is a little awkward to put a bunch of names on it, so Crafty made cupcakes and we had ice cream cones.

The highlight of the parties this year has been the family birthday video that Drama Queen has made for us. This time it led to half an hour's worth of other videos on her YouTube channel. Some of them we hadn't seen in a long time. They are mostly Reflections film video entries, but it is so fun to see how the kids have grown over the years.

This is what happens when I let Teach be in charge of the picture-taking...

Even presents were rather chaotic. The Beast opened his at the kitchen table with only a few family members gathered round. Burrito didn't have many to open since he opened everything from his parents on his real birthday, and we paid for him to play basketball again this year so he didn't get anything else from us.

Twizlet was asleep until nearly everyone had already gone home, so she opened her gifts slowly and groggily (and grumpy!) at first. She loved what she was given and was so excited to open each package. I can't believe she is already 2 years old! These grandbabies are growing up so fast!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those babies are growing up so fast. I think the combined Birthday parites are the best idea ever. The menu sounded yummy and I think the photos told the story well. It sounded like one of your great family events.
    Sending loviing thoughts and hugs to all!
