
Feb 12, 2019

Eggo Waffles for Lunch

It seems like every day we have to eat lunch around here. Skittles is fine with baby food, but that leaves me and Twizlet out, so today we came up with something we all could agree on... waffles!

I had mine with strawberry jam and a little whipped cream. Baby Doll wanted syrup until she saw how I had mine all decked out and then we added jam and cream to her plate as well.

Our sweet Skittles is fine with pretty much anything, so he took his plain (with a little whipped cream on the side). But mostly I just love having these sweet babies here to keep me young, otherwise I might not eat lunch at all.


  1. The photos are adorable. You are the best of Grandma’s to come up with something they all liked. You are so creative.
    Hugs for all!

  2. Thank you, LeAnn. I sure missed your comments while you were away. Welcome back!
