
Jan 7, 2019

Times They are a Changin'

I guess the holidays are really finally over. My sweetie is going back to work and band and dance start up on Monday. My Baby Doll and Curly are still off track for another week or so, but then we are all back up to full strength.

It always seems like there are so many things to dig out from under. I was thinking I was doing a fairly decent job at that last week, but then my washer broke, and I found myself in the middle of 3 major organizing projects and that didn't count the remodel my sweetie was hoping to finish on the bathroom before he went back to work. But then we started having trouble with the furnace... you get the idea.

My sweetie just about freaked when Crafty texted him about a dash light coming on in the Impala. We were so grateful when it turned out to be a "check engine oil" light instead of a "check engine" light. But even that requires time and effort.

Did I tell you we had our first basketball game last week? I was just grateful to make it up and down the floor without having a heart attack! I think a bit more physical activity will be good for me.

We had our first 2-hour block of church meetings today. Honestly, it didn't seem all that different. I remember when I was in high school and we first started the 3-hour block of meetings. It felt like we were at church forever!

Why is it we are so much quicker to notice the difficult changes rather than the easier ones?

Like have any of you noticed that my sweetie has lost another 50 lbs? He is down about 100 since he first started losing weight. So proud of him and all of his hard work!

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