
Jan 25, 2019

Getting Past That Hump

I'm actually pretty pathetic, sitting here at my desk at 5:00 AM eating dry Lucky Charms and waiting for Baby Doll to get up so we can finish the homework she didn't do yesterday. I know! I was shocked too. She is always right on task and keeping her friends in line.

Actually, I have been helping Crafty scan documents and I'm putting off the editing part because I didn't want to let you down yet again. Honestly, I can't even begin to tell you how difficult this last week has been. And to kick me when I'm down, I managed to crack a filling and I'm hoping it will just be a crown and not a root canal.

Life always looks better...
 I was on the phone for about 3 hours trying to solve our basketball problem, but we ultimately ended up just having to cancel one of the teams and only play with 4 rather than all six. My sorting project stretches on and on with no end in sight. That January depression has got a tight hold on me and an even tighter hold on my sweet daughter-in-law. Puppy Lover chose today to move back home with her parents. As you can imagine, Dog Walker is devastated.

Once you get past the hump.
Please pray for him. January will be over soon.

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