
Jan 5, 2019

Finally, a New Computer!!

I'm so sorry I missed talking with you yesterday, but it was totally worth it! Bossy brought over her computer to change out my old one. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I was so attached to XP that I haven't wanted a new one for the last 5 years my sweetie has been trying to get me to change.

Bossy has been threatening for quite a while, but then she came over and just did it! It's amazing! I'm back to two monitors and I can actually work without waiting for half an hour to print (ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but not much!).

So as a little payback and to show how my little grandson, Skittles, has been growing, I promised to put up some pics of him so you could see. He is nearly 6 months old now and he loves to eat or at least try to eat pretty much everything. Today while Bossy was driving over, he was in his carseat and he pulled a taco from the sack and got it to his mouth before she caught him.

Yesterday he was trying so hard to pull off his socks. It took him almost 30 minutes to pull both of them completely off using his hands and his mouth. Just before his mama came in from work, he finally got the second one off and he was so proud of himself! You should have heard him yowl when the first thing mama did after she took him was put his sock back on...

He is such a good boy. Unless his tummy is giving him issues, he is good-natured and happy. Here is a pic of his first haircut. He didn't love it, but as you can see, he mostly sat quietly for us.

I'm so happy I have these two amazing people in my life! Thanks again for the new computer, Bossy!

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