
Jan 18, 2019

Final Reflections Tally

Yesterday was Region Reflections. That means that any entry moving on competes in the state competition. For the first time ever, Taco and Burrito each had entries that they were hoping would advance. Taco's was in Film Production and Burrito's was in Literature.

Burrito is the one in brown right in the middle that needs a haircut!
Bossy and I met at the high school with the kids in tow just before they were supposed to start the awards. Unfortunately, they had some technical difficulties and it was nearly 7:15 before they got things moving. It was not such a big deal except that Scout wanted to get back in time for YW.

Yes, my girls were also in contention. Taco and Scout were even in the same category, Film. Scout also had a 3D art entry, and Baby Doll had one in Film and one in Music. Crafty wasn't with us, but she had one in Film and one in Photography.

Scout receives an award.
The awards were announced quickly and some of our kids were rather devastated while others were ecstatic. Burrito's literature entry is moving on to the State Competition and so is Crafty's Photography. Both of them received medals and gift cards.

Other awards played out like this:

Taco - Award of Merit, Film Production
Scout - Honorable Mention, 3D Art
Baby Doll - Honorable Mention, Music
Baby Doll -Award of Merit, Film
Crafty - Award of Merit, Film

Cute Baby Doll
The Award of Merit also received a medal, but they were slightly smaller than the Award of Excellence medal. Such an exciting moment! So proud of you all!

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