
Dec 22, 2018

The Dozen Christmas Party

A few years ago, Drama Queen decided to take upon herself the task of planning and executing a Christmas party for just our 12 children, their spouses and kids (and of course, Grandpa!). Her thinking was that this party would grow bigger and bigger each year so we should just start out with it at the church... oh, and since we are at the church, we can use the stage... let's put on a play!

It didn't take her long to realize that a real play would be almost impossible, but she could choose a theme and we could do some sort of show. So this year she chose The Muppets' Christmas Carol. If you are not familiar with this award-winning production (the kids give it a thumbs-up, anyway), it is the retelling of a Christmas Carol, Kermit the Frog style. Michael Caine plays Scrooge, but I'm pretty sure my sweetie did just as good of a job in the lead role.

It is so much fun to watch him be an actor! I have always known that he is an amazing storyteller, but I had no idea he could also turn his words into magic on the stage. But wait, I am getting ahead of myself. First we had dinner, spaghetti and meatballs. The kids each contributed something to the meal. The favorite were Princess's sugar cookies and a decorating station. While we ate, Drama Queen shared with us the video she had made of 2018. Such cute pictures!

Then it was our version of a Muppets' Christmas Carol. After that, we were a little rushed trying to open gifts and clean up before the decorating crew came in at 9:00 for tomorrow's party. The kids would have liked more basketball and possibly some dodgeball. I would have liked that too as well as some Christmas carols, but maybe we can squeeze all that in next year...

... and a play...

1 comment:

  1. I think it is fantastic that you put on a family play and that your hubby took the central part.
    We had a party with just two of our families and our foreign exchange daughter and her daughter from Brazil the first part of December. We had 25 there, so we held it at the church too which was a good choice.
    Blessings and hugs!
