
Dec 14, 2018

Guest Blogger: First Christmas Display as a Married Man by the Dog Walker

 My mom has been asking me to write a guest post about the Christmas display that I've outdone this year. I started working on the display during Thanksgiving when Walmart let me have the day off for that. However, with the biggest semester going on, it's been a little limited for me to put up more lights, because of big assignments that are due every week and I work at Walmart full time in order to make enough money to take care of myself and Puppy Lover.

And speaking of Puppy Lover, some of the times it took me away from her and I to spend time together other than sleeping together. Putting up lights on the house for a very quick time has been easier for me when I wasn't taking a lot of classes while being employed at the same time, and it got more challenging now that I'm a married man and have been since Dr. Seuss's birthday this year. I shouldn't be complaining about that, because I should be happy being married, and that Puppy Lover is also happy. It's the first time for me to put up lights as a married man and I'm hoping that Puppy Lover will love this.

With the progress of putting up lights, I still face the troubles of finding strands that are broken and that I ended up having to come up with another plan with the extra lights strands in the boxes. I was even worried about some of the appearances of inflatables or stands of characters that have worn out over the years. I ended up buying some more inflatables, despite my mom warning me about spending my money.

 My parents thought that they saw our state news truck parked in front of our house to take photos of our display and they thought I put ourselves on KSL again this year. I told them I didn't, because I didn't think I would be able to become news worthy for people around the state to come to the house to see the entire display all set up. But my parents kept on urging me to get back out on a warm day to put up more before I ever go to work.

But with just one day off of the week and being done for the semester, I barely finished it and it's ready to be shown to you on the blog and possibly to those who want to stop by to look at it. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and have a chance to come see this house if you live in Utah.

I'm hoping by next Christmas, I won't have to face anymore troubles of having to put up more lights on days when I'm scheduled to work at Walmart.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you do a fantastic job at doing this Christmas display. I admire your dedication and also your hard work. I will want to come and see it. Tell your mom to send me the address again.
    I do hope it gets on the news and you have a lot of drive-bys. I think your little wife will love it too.
    Sending happy thoughts, wished for Christmas blessings and hugs your way!
