
Dec 12, 2018

Guest Blog: Christmas Letter 2018 by Princess

 What an exciting year we have had! Little Tadpole joined our family at the end of January 
and things have been such fun ever since! We started off the year living in a tiny 700-square-
foot cottage in Springville, but found that was just not enough room for our growing family. 
After months of searching, we found the perfect house for us. In August (I told you it took 
a while!) we bought a house right across the street from The Frog’s parents. Thank goodness 
we did because right around that time we discovered we are expecting again, so we’ll need 
the space!

Our second child should be joining us the beginning of April 2019. We had toyed with the idea 
of keeping the baby’s gender a surprise, but quickly changed our minds. However, the baby 
still wanted it to be a surprise and didn’t let us find out if we are having a boy or girl at our 
“gender reveal” appointment. Hopefully the baby will be a little less modest at our upcoming 

The Frog is still working in Provo and loving it. He is also finishing up at BYU, and is loving the 
idea of finally being done. He is currently the cub master and choir pianist in our ward.

Princess loves getting to be a stay-at-home mom. Once Tadpole is in bed she does a lot of 
scrapbooking, planning her primary lessons, and sleeping (being pregnant while having a 
10-month-old is exhausting!).

Tadpole has quite the personality. The second he was born, he started screaming at the top 
of his lungs and we were a little nervous he’d continue to exercise that loud voice. Turns out 
he is actually a super chill kid. The word most commonly used to describe him so far has been 
“stoic.” He is a happy and energetic boy who always seems to be moving, but try to get him to 
smile on cue, and good luck getting more than a blank stare out of him. On his trip to the zoo, 
he calmly observed the animals. His first time being pulled on a sled around the yard, he stared 
The Frog down as if to say, “What is all of this cold white stuff, and what is the point of this, Dad?” 

Our working theory is that he is too busy being inquisitive to have time for all these people 
trying to get him to smile! Tadpole loves the bathtub, and bathtime generally consists of lots 
of splashing and giggling. He loves making faces at himself in any mirror he can find. Tadpole 
loves to crawl, and follows Mom all over the house. At the end of the day, after tiring himself 
out with all the crawling, Tadpole frequently falls asleep in his crib sitting up. What a joy it is to 
watch our little guy learn and grow! We are excited for him to be a big brother next year!

We look forward to the new year and all it will bring. Merry Christmas to you all!


Princess and The Frog
(and Tadpole, of course)

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this dear Princess! It was very fun to hear about your family and your new little one coming. The photos are awesome and your little tadpole is adorable. Enjoy the precious moments of this Christmas season.
    Sending happy thoughts and hugs your way!
