
Dec 31, 2018

2019, Here we Come!

I love Christmas and pretty much everything about the holiday season; the lights, the food, the gifts... you get the idea. But when it's over, it's over. I have been known to take out the tree after dark on the 25th, so it came as quite a surprise to my children when I insisted that this year we would be leaving the tree in until New Year's Eve.

That's because my cute little Twizlet (and her mommy and daddy, of course) have been in New Jersey with the other side of the family since December 23rd and we didn't get a chance to share Christmas with them before they left. I couldn't possibly put things away until they were home and had a chance to open their gifts.

Twizlet has gotten to be a pretty good gift-opener and she tore through her paper much quicker than the other babies did. She opened up books first and we had to read each one before she would move on. She felt the same way about the puzzle she got from Crafty.

Jet lag is so hard on little girls!
 She loved the little dishes, but I think her favorite gift might have been the sleeping bag shaped like a moose. She even gave it a kiss on the nose when she first opened it up!

Teach and Twiz also opened their gifts with much gratitude. Then we shared our first FHE with the new Come Follow Me curriculum. I love that we are going to spend more time developing a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, our Savior.

After that the kids played games while I did several haircuts. I cut Twiz's hair for the first time. It was a little scary since he has "black" hair, but he seemed pleased with the results. Then I cut Twizlet's bangs, Curly's hair, Crafty's hair, and Dog Walker's hair before retiring to the shower.

It was a fun and productive evening, but I'm thinking I will be tired tomorrow. There are always so many things that need to be finished up by the end of the year. 2019, here we come!

1 comment:

  1. This was a very fun post! I loved her little gifts and I think it is awesome you waiting to take your tree down. I am the opposite, I like to leave it up and I want Christmas to last longer.
    Sending you Happy New Year thoughts and hugs!
