
Nov 27, 2018

One Last Party for Scout

On Sunday, we did the big family party for Scout. It was the last one of the year and the last family birthday party as we currently know them. In January, we are going to switch to one birthday party each month and one FHE each month.

I hope it works.

I personally love having the kids over, but it is expensive and tons of work. It always helps when we ask them to contribute, but this time we didn't do that, except for Drama Queen, who offered to make cheesecake. My sweetie made BBQ chicken and alfredo and because I was downstairs with the little kids working on a project, the older girls whipped up a fruit salad and some veggies.

The party was casual and we almost forgot to sing "Happy Birthday!" Scout opened a present or two, but she had already received her main gift of the skiing trip and a parka and boots, so is was pretty slim. We saw everyone except Prima Donna. Even Cat Woman was there for a while. She and Superman are moving in with Bossy and Gamer. They are expecting a baby boy in February and they want to make sure that DCFS stays completely out of the picture. I'm pretty sure I already told you that our sweet little Supergirl has already been adopted by her new family.

Life is getting crazier again, with the Nutcracker this weekend and basketball starting for Curly and Baby Doll. Scout's preseason volleyball is moving forward as well. And of course we have the holidays to look forward to. My sweetie and I spend most late evenings in our room, watching TV and working on stuff for Christmas, but I will save that post for another day.

Happy birthday, Scout!

1 comment:

  1. I love the swet photos of our Scout. Happy Birthday again to her with hugs! I imagine that it is time to start to drawing back on the parties. I do know that there are alot of large famlies that have gone to the one time a month celebration. It doesn get expensive. Even now I’m trying to figure out how to do Chritmas for our 52 children and grandchildren for Christmas. We haven’t done individual gifts for Christma for a while but even getting family gifts adds up. It’s hard to know how to manage it all.
    I do hope that the adoption of that little one is opened so they can have some contact. I love that there is another one coming.
    Sending happy thoughts and hugs your way!
