
Nov 5, 2018

Happy Birthday, Dog Walker

Today was a pretty amazing day. Gamer blessed Skittles today in their family ward. We had all of my kids there except for Prima Donna. Sadly, it's been nearly impossible to get her out to anything church-related for quite some time.

We came back home after the meeting and began preparing dinner for Dog Walker's 25th birthday party. He wanted homemade lasagna and a pound cake with fruit for dessert. My sweetie made the cakes this morning with a bit of this and a bit of that. Neither one of us had ever made pound cake before, but it turned out delicious!

Princess and The Frog spent the afternoon with us and we tried unsuccessfully to get Tadpole to take a nap with me. Some of the babies I don't see very often don't like me as much which makes me sad. I would love to spend more time with all of them, unfortunately, life gets in the way.

For the most part though, things are good and life continues to fly by.

Happy birthday, Dog Walker! You are an amazing son. 💕

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Dog Walker! I do hope you had a great day. It looks like it was a fun one. The food sounded yummy.
    Sending birthday wishes and hugs your way!
