
Sep 5, 2018

Spiraling Out of Control

Do you ever feel like your life is spiraling out of control? Not in anything big, because that would be understandable, just in the little things. Like the fact that your spouse is out of town for 2 weeks in a row, or maybe it's because you have children that don't clean up after themselves, or a garden that could be constantly needing attention.

Maybe it's homework...those posters you volunteered to hang all over the city.

Or the fact that you just need half an hour to update your calendar so you know what is going on.

Or maybe it's all of the above and more.

My answers have always been to just start chipping away on the pile.
It's not working.

1 comment:

  1. We are so together on this one. I am feeling the same way. Life seems to be getting busier all the time, and I seem to be accomplishing less. Maybe it's just a short season, and we can get back in gear. Just know you have a friend that understands.
    Loving thoughts and hugs for you!
