
Sep 25, 2018

Off Track Time

Today was our first day of off track time and we just had to celebrate with a trip to MacDonald's for lunch and to use my free Happy Meals cards we earned in the summer reading program. It was so crowded that we had to take two little tables for the 4 of us.

Twizlet loved playing with the basketballs and on the big slides. Curly loved playing with the drink machine and making new flavors, and Baby Doll made it a point to trade special prizes from the kids' meals several times.

And the most exciting thing that happened today is that Twiz passed his National Police Officer Acceptance test, so now he can finally start his training as a police officer! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Twiz for passing the test; that is awesome. It looks like you had a great first day off track and fun a McDonalds. Blessings and hugs!
