
Sep 11, 2018

Millions of Peaches...

I'm sorry I haven't posted, but we have been inundated with peaches! So a few days ago, my sister texted me and asked me if I wanted some peaches. Of course I jumped on that right away, not quite understanding the definition of "some."

We couldn't get down there until Saturday after the football game (which we won, by the way). We arrived around 5:00 and as soon as we walked into the yard, I realized that my idea of "some" and her idea of "some" were totally different. We didn't bring nearly enough boxes.

We have to what???
 There were hundreds that had fallen to the ground and many more in her two trees. The kids and I immediately set to work gathering and picking. It took us over an hour, before every peach we could reach was loaded into the van. Another 40 minutes and we were home, unloading them onto the porch.

We immediately began working on them and 84 quarts later, I was exhausted and dropped into bed. Then it was Sunday and I try very hard not to can on Sunday although I peeled about 40 peaches for our family dinner and then more later for my sweetie.

About 160 quarts total - these are just from Saturday night.

This morning I got up to face even more peaches with the idea that we would have to throw some of them away because they were too ripe to use. It took me and Drama Queen most of the day and then Bossy too when she got off work, but we finished up; me just barely and right after midnight.

So many beautiful bottles...little bright pieces of sunshine for the dark summer months.


  1. Ohmy dear friend, I can understaand the exhaustion on this one. However, the feeling of accomplishment must be wonderful too. 84 plus bottles of fruit. I loved the photo of them all of the table. I used to have that feeling. I don’t bottle anymore, but I do remember the feeling of satisfaction. Bottled peaches are the best.
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. Wow!! That is a LOT of peaches! Thankfully the exhaustion is temporary and you get to enjoy those delicious peaches this winter. Congratulations on a job well done.
