
Sep 19, 2018

Cupcake Club

This is the status of my desk right now.

I have been working on these posters for the Cupcake Club and they have taken me far longer than I was hoping. The biggest problem was remembering where I bought that lone piece of shiny metallic blue poster board. Thank goodness I have Baby Doll to be my brains. That girl remembered it was a visit to Hobby Lobby over a year ago!

I know Crafty has officers for her club; I can't figure out why I'm still on duty. Bossy joked once that we were the members of the "cabinet," and I think she is right. You can't get out of the job no matter how hard you try.

If you remember right, Princess started this club when she was a senior in hopes of winning Sweethearts' Queen (which she did!). Crafty is now beginning her Senior Year and her 3rd year of being president. I don't know if she is burned out, but I know she isn't feeling well and we wanted to get these up before the tailgate on Friday for Homecoming.

So I sit...
... and cut out cupcakes...

1 comment:

  1. You are such a loving devoted mother helping a sweet daughter who isn’t feeling well. You are the best. Yes, Baby Doll does have a good memoriy!
    Blessings and hugs for you all!
