
Jul 27, 2018

Introducing Skittles

I still have a few more stories about our trip to tell you, but I know you are all wondering how our youngest grandson is faring. If you remember, our new little one is a Rainbow Baby, born slightly less than a year after we lost our sweet angel baby, Calder. Beauty and The Beast came up with the perfect blog name for Bossy and Gamer's new baby... Skittles. (Gamer wanted a combination of his and Bossy's names, but since that came out "Gassy," we decided he couldn't choose.)

So Teach and I went down to the hospital today to visit Bossy and Skittles. Bossy has been officially released, but the hospital has graciously offered to house her so she can be close to her little one who is still in the NICU. She has to take care of her own food and clothing and such, but she can stay for free, which is nice.

Skittles has had some trouble growing. When he tries to swallow, it makes his heart rate go crazy, so he is receiving most of his nourishment through a feeding tube filled with Bossy's breast milk. He also has a small hole in his heart that they are hoping will close up by itself so they don't have to do surgery.

Bossy loves being with her baby, but she worries about her other boys. We are doing our best to help them get where they need to go, but it was rough while we were out of town. Skittles is so cute; he looks just like Burrito did at this age. He is even wrapped up like one!

1 comment:

  1. I loved your thoughts on choosing the name and Skittles is a cute one. He will be in our prayers. I am so glad that they are letting her stay near him. The photos are so lovely. He is a cute one for sure.
    Sending loving thoughts, prayers, and hugs your way for all!
