
Jul 11, 2018

Happy Cow Day!

In honor of Chick-fil-A's Cow Appreciation Day, we took the kids to Wheeler Farm so Curly could earn his scout patch and the kids could see a real cow before Twizlet was traumatized by the CFA cow. At least she didn't cry. Some of my kids have screamed and cried and scared that poor cow nearly half to death.

But I digress...

Teach and I planned this little outing yesterday, so it was Curly, Scout, and Baby Doll along with Twizlet. (I love that Teach is out of school for the summer so we can play.) She needed to have a recall done on her car, so I picked her up at the dealership and we drove the couple of miles to Wheeler Farm. It was hot and muggy, but the animals didn't seem to mind. Neither did Twizlet; she loved them all, and it was so fun to watch her discover them.

She hopped with the bunny and clucked with the chickens. She giggled when the calf licked her hand and she gobbled with the turkeys. She loved everything, including the wagon ride. After a couple of hours we climbed back in the car and picked up Crafty. Then we drove home to find Princess and Tadpole waiting to go with us to Chick-fil-A for lunch.

Visiting a real cow

Princess had made custom spotted shirts for both of them and it reminded me of the good ole days when we used to really dress up for cow day. Now we just pull on a spotted hat and call it good enough. Any item with cow print scores an entree and you no longer get extra points (or extra food) for dressing up completely.

Lunch was fun and crazy with people spilling out the door for free food. At least we were inside and we got air conditioning, unlike at the farm with the real cow. I sure appreciate all the cows out there, real and not so real but nice anyway.

Bye Cow

1 comment:

  1. This was a great family adventure. I love the photos and those grandbabies of yours are so adorable. You do manage to do such fun things with your children. It is one thing I admire about you. Blessings and hugs!
