
Jul 14, 2018

Field Trip! Basin Drive-In Adventure

None of my youngest four kids could ever remember going to a drive-in movie. My sweetie and I both grew up in small towns in Utah that happened to have drive-ins and we had fond memories, so this particular item has been on their summer list for several summers in a row and we have never managed to make it happen.

Until today.

My sweetie texted me early in the day about our Friday plans and for some crazy reason we didn't seem to have any, so we made a quick plan to visit his mom and then head for the Basin Drive-In to watch the Incredibles 2.

We loaded the car with drinks, blankets, jackets, and lawn chairs, squeezed in the kids, and hit the road about 4:30. We arrived at Grandma's at 6:00 and spent about an hour and a half with her before heading to the drive-in. We wanted to try what had been deemed to be the "best burgers in Sanpete" for dinner.

There were only a few cars when we arrived and staked out our space on the front row. We all had double burgers and we were not disappointed! The kids also devoured nachos and a veggie tray (that was supposed to be mine...). We still had over an hour before the movie began, so the kids played cards and then a game of catch with a spool of thread since I only had my stitching bag and no one thought to bring a ball.

About 9:30 we settled into the movie and even though we felt a few raindrops about halfway through, we had a great time. After repacking the car with all of our belongings and several sleepy kids, we made the long drive home.


  1. I'm so jealous, but I'm also glad you had a great time. The last time I ever went to that drive inn was when we saw the movie Up.

  2. We have always loved going to Drive Inns. This look like another great adventure. Isn’t there a drive inn still on Redwood Rd. We went to a movie there a few years ago.
    Blessings and hugs!
