
Jul 9, 2018

British Soccer Camp for Scout

Scout has been sort of in between sports. She didn't really enjoy softball this year and other than volleyball, her heart really hasn't been into anything. That's one of the reasons I was so excited for her to try the British Soccer Camp by Challenger Sports.

She hasn't played soccer since she was small, and at 12 years old, I was afraid it might be difficult for her to be mostly a beginner, but the guys at British Soccer didn't make her feel that way. And it wasn't long before she was participating and playing as well as anyone else.

If you remember, last year Curly had the opportunity to attend one of these camps and he enjoyed it so much that we decided to sign him up with Scout. Both of them are good athletes, but the running was a little more than they were used to. Not that it's a bad thing... exercise is one of the main reasons I dropped them at camp every morning for a week.

I expected resistance to the early hour with Scout, but she didn't complain and sometimes she was even ready before Curly! Their favorite part was the afternoon session of Golden Goals. It is an additional cost, but so worth it. The kids loved the one-on-one and the games.

If you need another activity for your kids this summer, I would strongly recommend trying the British Soccer Camp. You won't be disappointed and your kids might just pick up a bit of a British accent for a week and all that exercise and sunshine is way better than hours of video games.
**We received camp free for Scout for this review, but not for Curly.**

1 comment:

  1. I really love that you have your children involved in sports and this camp sounds like a great otner. Children need to be outdoors more and in the sunlight. The exercise is very important. I think kids are indoors using technology way to much!
    Big hugs for you and them!
