
Jun 4, 2018

Fireworks for Teach's Birthday

It's been an exhausting weekend; so much so that I came home from church today and slept for four hours. But let's start with Saturday. You already know I was up late with my Girl Scout troop at the Planetarium on Friday. We had a great time, but it meant a late night and then an early morning when Baby Doll had to be at the softball fields for her first tournament game at 8:00. That worked out perfectly because I had to drop off Sport and Crafty at the beginning of the Summerfest parade route at 7:45 so they could toss candy to the crowds courtesy of the Youth City Council.

Baby Doll played a great game, but their team lost in the final inning. We hustled back to drop her at the parade so she could watch the last 20 entries or so. Scout met me at the car and I ran her home to change into her uniform so she could be at the fields for her first tournament game at 10:45. That left me 45 minutes to run back home, pick up Baby Doll, Curly, and my niece who spent the night with us. Since we had a few extra minutes, we ran by Home Depot long enough to get each of the kids a free little car kit before we piled back into the car. We made our way back to the softball fields just in time for me to take over the scorebook and record the first pitch.

The big girls lost their game as well and as soon as we were finished, we climbed back into the car so we could meet Teach and Twizlet, Crafty and Sport at Cowabunga Bay (a huge water park) for the Girl Scout Cookie Party. We had a fantastic time! Baby Doll won a dance contest and Twizlet and I must have braved the loop on the lazy river at least 30 times. (I was so sore today... and too much sun, I think...)

The party ended promptly at 4:00. We headed for a home and a quick stop at Sam's (I know, wet hair and all) before we made it back to the house. It was Teach's birthday, so we still had a celebration coming up! We had ordered a 6-foot sandwich from the Smith's deli and Princess made her cake. Family showed up at 7:00 for dinner and many of them lingered until 9:30 when we headed for the park to watch the Summerfest fireworks. I told Teach we just couldn't miss this chance for her to have fireworks on her birthday since it rarely (if ever) happens.

It was another fun and happy day, but I am still just so tired...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh dear friend, did you have time to take a breath. What a day, no wonder you had a 4-hour nap on Sunday. I don't know how you do it and make it on time; amazing! Look like you had some fun events for sure.
    Blessings and hugs and Happy Birthday To Teach!!
