
Jun 24, 2018

Field Trip! Firefighter's Museum

Did I tell you Bossy is going to full time work starting next week? We decided it might be fun to do a few little things this week while she still had a couple of days off. Curly was also after me to earn a few more cub scout patches, so we loaded the kids in the car and drove out to Tooele for a trip through the Firefighter's Museum.

It isn't open on Thursdays, so Bossy made special arrangements for us and we were the only ones in the museum. The problem was that it was so hot inside since the AC was never turned on. The kids didn't care, they loved the old helmets and the dozen or so full sized engines they had in their large warehouse-style building.

Baby Doll was still in the early stages of her broken bone and was in quite a bit of pain so we had to sit for a while and let everyone else finish the tour without us. She has been a real trooper! I can't even imagine trying to sleep with only Ibuprofen to dull the pain of a displaced bone.

I have another fun trip to tell you about tomorrow. It's been a crazy week!

1 comment:

  1. I have heard about this firehouse and want to make a visit there with my grandchildren some time. Thanks for sharing this one. I feel so sad for your sweet Baby Doll. I hate when they are in pain. Blessings and hugs for that dear one and all!
