
Jun 6, 2018

6th Grade Dance

I told you yesterday about our preparations for the 6th grade dance and we were pleased with the results of our shopping trip. Scout looked beautiful! The dance started at 1:30 and I was there by 1:10 to set up my punch and cookies station. I was not aware that it was a competition between the 3 classes.

We held our own, with real linens and the nice punch container I have used at several weddings, but the table to the right had a real punch bowl and decorations that included actual pineapples and treat bags for each student. The table to the left missed out on the punch bowl and had to pour their Tampico into cups, but they made up for it with the cheesecake bites on cheesy little stands.

The kids each had a dance card, so partners were prechosen and very little was left to chance. They even knew exactly when each class would break for refreshments. But I didn't mind. That meant most of the time I could just sit back and watch Scout dance. It's amazing how all those years of dance classes made her much more graceful and agile on the floor than a lot of the other girls and nearly all of the boys. I just wish I could have seen her smile a little more. The dance is supposed to be fun, but there were only a handful of kids who appeared to be enjoying themselves.

When they came back for refreshments, she finally confessed that her new shoes had given her blisters on both feet but she grudgingly admitted that she was having fun. We cleaned up promptly at 3:15 and the last two dances were dropped from the card. She seemed disappointed by that... maybe I need to look for her card and see who her partners were supposed to be...


  1. I loved this one. I brought back memories of some dances at that age. The photos showed a fun time and that they did know how to dance a little. I liked learning that they are still doing these kinds of activities. I think they are good for learning socialized skills with girls and boys.
    Blessings and hugs for Scout!

  2. nice pictures mom really blurry. love you!

  3. scout looks so cute,
    -baby doll.
