
May 2, 2018

NorthShore to the Rescue!

You know that I am pretty good at multi-tasking. I sort of have to be with the crazy life I lead. So remember last Friday when we had all the babies here for our Girl Scout troop meeting? I decided that would be the perfect time to try out these new NorthShore products I was sent for review.

This decision didn't happen immediately though, but wait, let me back up the story a bit.

Princess was the first to arrive about noon so she and I could spend some time visiting before the kids showed up. I had just received these awesome changing pads from NorthShore, so I offered her one to put in her diaper bag. End of story.

The wrong way...

Then shortly after I got back from picking up Little Warrior from his daycare, he decided to fill his diaper. I didn't want to make it a big deal with all the kids around, so I quietly began to change him on my lap. It was about the time he was wiggling around and smearing poop on my jeans that I realized I had just missed the perfect opportunity to try out one of these pads.

When we were finished and cleaned up, I put him down with the other babies so I could clean up myself. The next time one of the babies set off the stink-o-meter, I was ready. I passed over a changing pad AND the new package of NorthShore (supreme quilted) baby wipes.

The right way!

Honestly, they were perfect for the task at hand! These heavy duty wipes are thick and the smash pouch is well made. I love that the lift up seal is so easy to replace. I even wiped Twizlet's sticky face with one and she didn't complain (much) and that is really saying something!

NorthShore is a national company and they deliver supplies in plain brown boxes right to your door. I didn't realize until I received my package that they also do adult incontinence and pet products. Check out their website, and if you want to try these fantastic baby wipes, you can use this 20% off promo code. Simply enter NBW20 at checkout.

***I received changing pads and wipes for my open and honest review.***

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for the review; it looks like great products. You never know I might need the adult stuff; I'm old.
    Hugs for this one!
