
May 4, 2018

Guest Blogger: Pie Vlog by the Dog Walker

It feels like I guest blogged for you a few days ago, but Mom asked me to guest blog for her since she's busy embroidering stuff for a friend of hers. I'm not sure if this is what I should be showing you, but Cat Lover and I have been thinking about doing a vlog where I demonstrate my unique techniques of making these pies. The idea came into my mind after Pi Day after I made these pies for everyone to try. I then decided that I could make more pies and show you how I make them. I made this little intro that I'm planning to use for my Pie Vlog. It took me a long time to put it together and find the right non copyrighted music just for it. If you like, I'll plan to do the vlog and show you the demonstrations of my pies If you would like to see more of them, you can subscribe and share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and many other sites that you can share it with. You can even leave comments below on each vlogpost I put up on YouTube. I hope that you'll look forward to it as well as I am. (And maybe I can bring back the Food For Thought series)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is such a fun idea. I loved all your pie photos. Be sure and let me know your link.
    Blessings and hugs for Dog Walker and Cat Lover!
