
Apr 24, 2018

What is Family?

I've done an awful lot of stitching lately. I sew clothing labels for a lady who recently started her own activewear line and I have also been repairing football pants for our junior football league. While I have been wearing my thimble, I have spent many hours with my sweetie half-watching TV. Our show of choice has been Blue Bloods, a network show about a family of police officers in New York City. I'm not generally a fan of shoot 'em up stuff, but I like this story for the family definition.

This family is religious; devout Catholics, and they don't apologize for weaving this into the plot. They are honest and truthful to each other and to the world around them. The whole group sits down to dinner each Sunday and they love and support each other in a way we don't often see in the media.

My family sits down for dinner together most Sundays; and not just the ones who live with me. We have these large, noisy family parties with plenty of love and teasing, laughter and sometimes tears. This past weekend we celebrated Twiz's birthday. I helped Teach decorate her very first cake including covering it carefully with the frosting. The kids played ball in the backyard and it was such a beautiful spring day, we decided to share our cake and ice cream on the patio.

There is nothing like sharing life with family. No. We aren't perfect. Not even close. But I'm pretty sure that was never part of the original definition.

1 comment:

  1. I think you do have a lovely family that enjoys being together. That is a major accomplishment. I think our children in general like to get together but there are a few problems amongst the sibling's spouses sometimes. In general we have happy family moments.
    I enjoyed reading about your family thoughts.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs to all!
