
Apr 17, 2018

Playing in the Band

My littles went back on track today which changed my whole life yet again. It was a difficult day for Curly and Scout. You know they are in the advanced band at their elementary school and today was the Monster Concert where half a dozen schools come together and make one big band. In this case, it was fun because Burrito's band was also there so the three of them got to sit together since they all play clarinet.

But you know it couldn't be that easy.

I checked Burrito out of school early and gathered all the kids up since they had to be at West Jordan Middle at 4:00. I sat in the parking lot for 45 minutes and then Scout came running out and we took off for Riverton. She had a softball game at 5:15. We had warned her coach up front that we would be there before game time, but not by much.Traffic wasn't too bad and we were there about 10 minutes before the first pitch.

It was terribly windy and rather cold. For once I was happy to take my place in the tower so I could run the scoreboard. Scout spent most of the game at 2nd base, but when their pitcher struggled, she was brought it to clean up the mess. Fortunately, she only had to walk about 3 more batters to end the game. This was her first time pitching in a game this year and with the wind, it was dicey at best.

We climbed back in the car and she changed in the back seat while I headed for home. We had to pick up Grandpa and Baby Doll on our way back through. Fortunately, we were about 10 minutes ahead of schedule and we arrived at the school by about 6:45. The concert started at 7:00. That gave Scout just enough time to slip into her seat and warm up before the show began.

They played 8 songs and then Bossy took off with Burrito for his baseball game before the applause had even died down. It was just another one of those days.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it appears like this is just one of your crazy days. I love that all three of them could be in the band; sweet! Playing ball in that weather had to be a real challenge.
    Hugs for them all!
