
Mar 16, 2018

The Leprechaun Trap

My two little ones are sure hoping for the "luck o the Irish" today! When they got home from school, Baby Doll was telling everyone how a leprechaun had come into their classroom during lunch recess and made a terrific mess. She was sure that she now knew how to make a trap so she could catch a leprechaun of her own.

She made Curly her partner in crime, and together they commandeered one of my cookie boxes and started working on a trap. After cutting and taping and gluing, they were finally satisfied. Now they had to come up with something that would attract the leprechaun so he would venture inside.

Baby Doll immediately thought of glitter, while Curly was a bit more creative. He convinced his dad to let him spray paint a few rocks gold. Then they added glue to the inside so the rocks would stick and the leprechaun wouldn't run away with them.

Curly felt that they needed a bit more enticement, so he spent four of his hard-earned dollars on a box of Trefoils and Baby Doll put in a gold medal from basketball. Finally their trap was ready!

Do you think they just might catch that elusive leprechaun? Happy St. Patrick's Day!

1 comment:

  1. You do have some creative kids! I loved their trap. You would think it would work. Hugs for these two!
