
Mar 29, 2018

Raingutter Regatta

Tuesday night we had the Raingutter Regatta for our Pack Meeting. Curly was so excited when my sweetie came home at noon to help him finish up his boat. They carefully cut the sails and curved them into a cone instead of the traditional way. My sweetie helped him paint and then wax the pontoons so the boat could be the fastest on the water.

Curly was so excited! He was the first one to do a trial run and he easily beat his competition. As the races went on, he also trounced his second competitor. But by the third one, he was running out of breath. Yeah, that's right, breath. The boys are required to power their boats with only a straw and their own lung power.

Unfortunately, Curly has asthma.

When my sweetie was the Cubmaster, he used fans on each lane to power the boats so kids with breathing problems weren't penalized, but our current committee doesn't do it that way. Curly lost the 4th race and was eliminated from the competition. By the time he returned to his seat, his head was pounding and he nearly passed out. He was also in tears. This cute boy is fiercely competitive; but this was one contest he just couldn't win no matter how hard he tried.

He got home about 7:30 and headed straight to bed. It was a rough evening.

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