
Mar 24, 2018

Guest Blog: Being a Mom by Princess

I asked mom if I could write a blog post about Tadpole, but I really should have just asked her if I could send her a whole bunch of pictures to post. I sure do love this sweet little boy. He is almost two months old now and I have to say it has been the fastest two months of my life; but at the same time it feels like I was pregnant lifetimes ago. Actually, I can’t really fathom that this little being used to live inside me, but that’s a whole other story. 

Being a new mom, I am asked several questions: “Is it everything you thought it would be?” “What has been the most surprising?” “What’s the hardest thing?” “What’s the best thing?” My poor mommy brain has yet to give a good answer to these questions. I usually give some sort of answer, but I really wanted to stop and think it through; so here are my answers.

Is it everything you thought it would be? I hate this question. There really is only one correct response: “It’s so much more.” I mean what am I supposed to say? No? Yeah that makes me sound like a terrible mom. Yes? Now I sound super proud. The truth is, I know a lot of moms and I did a lot of reading about motherhood. I’m fortunate (being one of twelve kids) that I had quite a bit of experience with babies. Yet, I don’t think anyone can ever truly understand what it’s like. Some things are not nearly as big of a deal as I thought they were going to be: like cutting his fingernails. I had heard horror stories and fears and so I put it off for several weeks. Not really sure what the big deal was there. Try cutting Sport’s nails. That’s way harder! (In his defense, I haven’t cut them in a few years). Some things are a much bigger deal; basically stressing about another person’s bodily functions. 

What has been the most surprising? I knew babies used a lot of diapers, but that first couple days Tadpole really brought that to a new level. In the NICU they were worried that he was dehydrated so they had him eating more than the average newborn and they were pumping him liquids through an IV. Long story short… so many diapers! Also, I was quite surprised to have a little red head and that my hair is also turning reddish. 

What is the hardest thing?
When he cries and it takes a long time to calm him down. He seems to have tummy troubles (like his daddy) and it makes him quite unhappy. 

What’s the best thing?
Tadpole’s little smile. Especially when he is sleeping. Also, from day one he has put his pinky out while he eats. It melts my heart. I mean, what’s not to love?

1 comment:

  1. He is seriously adorable! Thanks for sharing all these pics!!
