
Feb 25, 2018

Saturday at the Temple

Saturday was a beautiful day! We spent the afternoon in the temple with many members of our family and Cat Lover's family and she received her endowment before she and the Dog Walker get married next Friday. There is no feeling in the world like meeting up with some of the ones you love in the Celestial Room.

After we left the temple, we stopped at the Italian Place for a sandwich and then my sweetie drove me, Bossy, and Drama Queen down to the hospital to see our little Supergirl. She is getting so big!

 One last stop for ice cream finished out the day perfectly. We even got home in time to get a bunch of work done on The Apartment. I'll show you some pictures in a day or two. It is almost ready for the newlyweds to move in.

Look at this amazing man I married; such a sweetie.

Oh, and did I tell you I finished the quilt? Only a few days before the big day...

1 comment:

  1. Pure joy is being in the sealing room or Celestial room with the family. It is always the sweetest of days. Yes, I would love to see photos of their apartment. The quilt you made is beautiful. You are blessed with many gifts and talents.
    Blessings and hugs to you and yours1
