
Feb 13, 2018

Guest Blog - Valentines Day Dinner and a Review by Sweetie

On the way home today I called my beautiful wife to tell her I was coming home early. I've been out of town for three weeks and wanted to spend some extra time with her. As I talked to her, I could tell she had not had the best day, so I asked what I could do to help. She said, “Cook dinner... oh, and make sure to cook something that requires the use of a meat thermometer.” 

She doesn’t enjoy meat as much as she used to (no gallbladder...), so I was a bit surprised. But I quickly learned she had a Cave Tools Instant Read Digital Cooking Thermometer she wanted me to do a review on. That sounded like fun, Cave Tools has good stuff. 

So off to the store I went to find a good deal on some meat. As I walked through the door, I was hit with flowers, hearts, balloons…only two days until Valentines Day or Single Awareness Day as my single daughters refer to it. Umm…that means steak will be on sale. Score! And as luck would have it, Ribeyes were on sale. The outer ring of a ribeye is one of the few pieces my wife enjoys enough to deal with the challenges to digest it. Ribeyes it was, plus I could make this the Valentines dinner for the family, and maybe I could convince my wife to go out on the 14th. I got some fresh asparagus and some mushrooms and headed home.

The thermometer has a calibration feature, but it comes pre-calibrated. I seasoned the steaks with salt and pepper and let them begin to warm up a bit at room temp. Once they were, it was time to grill. The thermometer worked great and the steaks were perfect. (I like to get the centers to 132 give or take a degree and then let them stand for 5 minutes to finish up.)

Can you believe steaks like this for less than $5 a pound?
The Cave Tools Instant Read Digital Cooking Thermometer does a great job of getting an internal temp on a steak way better than most meat thermometers. This is definitely the best thermometer for steaks I have ever used. My wife enjoyed her steak, and the kids didn’t even notice that I cut the outer ring off their steaks to give their mother. 

Family Valentines dinner is taken care of. I’m thinking a restaurant for just the two of us on Wednesday... what a good way to start the week! Maybe I can even find time to make some toffee before Wednesday. With this thermometer, it will be a cinch.

If you want one of these amazing thermometers for yourself, you can buy it here from Amazon or if you want to go to the Cave Tools website, I can save you 15% with this code LH58KB66. Enjoy your Valentines Day!

***We received an Instant Read Digital Cooking Thermometer in exchange for our open and honest review.***

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for the review of the meat thermometer. I liked the tutorial on how you fixed the Steak. The steak looked delicious.
    Warm thanks for this one!
