
Feb 28, 2018

Counting in Hours

We are getting close enough to the wedding that we can almost count in hours instead of days! I did a bunch of chasing around today, including picking up most of the things we need to get prepared for the luncheon and the other last minute items. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Their cute apartment is very nearly finished. Drama Queen and I went to Ikea yesterday and bought the bookcase and the rest of the squares for his cubed pantry and his clothing storage system. She came over after work today and we put everything together.

I still have to modify my dress and make gifts for my helpers and tomorrow I get to have my hair done, which makes me very happy. I'm finally starting to look beyond the wedding to what is in store for the coming weeks and life will slow down, but not incredibly much. I keep reminding myself I like it that way... most of the time...

Even basketball season for me is almost over.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention in your recent post that I felt stressed reading that Dog Walker couldn't find his recommend. When one of my sons got married in the Bountiful Temple, he couldn't see his recommend. We came from Spokane for the wedding. He explained it all. He was a Bishop at the time which doesn't make a difference. All in all, they finally let him in for the wedding.
    I actually think I may have seen you at Smith's when you were shopping for the good for the Luncheon. I was in the middle of something so couldn't run by and say hi
    I know that you are now close to the reception time.
    Loving thoughts and hugs being sent your way!
