
Jan 9, 2018

Learning New Things - The Bouquet

I have an incredibly talented daughter! Well, I have quite a few incredibly talented daughters, but I want to tell you about just one of them today. Last week, the Dog Walker was fitted with a tux for the big day and he brought that tux home so they could do some bridal pics.

The Cat Lover is supposed to have her final fitting tomorrow and then this weekend they are planning to pose for a photographer. They didn't want to pay for an extra live bouquet since they are so expensive, so Drama Queen ran out to Hobby Lobby and in about an hour she had a gorgeous bouquet that is not quite the real thing, but pretty close.

The Bride-to-be

She even sent Prima Donna back for some foam and when it was the wrong size, she improvised and made it work anyway. So proud of her for teaching herself all kinds of things. She loves learning and if she doesn't know how to do something, she uses Google or YouTube until she has figured it out.

Teach and Twizlet posing with the bouquet.
I need to get better about wanting to learn new things again. Right now it seems to be taking all my energy just to focus on remembering the things I already know.

1 comment:

  1. Yup! I don't think you have time to learn new things; but you would ace them if you did. Way to go Drama Queen, I love the bouquet you made. You are very talented.
    Sending warm thoughts and hugs your way!
