
Jan 2, 2018

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!

We spent our New Year's Day with some pretty crazy goals and I'm happy to say we pretty much achieved all of them! Our first goal was to help Drama Queen get moved into her house. If you remember, she bought it about 9 months ago and we have been renovating ever since, right around Teach's little family for the last 6 months.

Anyway, part of the family was helping her with this major change while the rest of the family were hanging out at the dance studio, refinishing our church pew that they are borrowing for one of Crafty's competition dances. We started that project on Friday and it has taken up the entire weekend and then most of today.

My sweetie, Crafty, and I arrived at the studio around 11:00 and we didn't finish up until about 6:00. Drama Queen and the kids were working on the same schedule moving first her bed and then the rest of her furniture and clothes. She took her final trip tonight with a full truck and a carrier with her two kitties.

She still will have to make several more trips to gather up the odds and ends and her laundry, etc., but she is mostly moved. We can now start gutting her room and repainting and getting it ready for Dog Walker and Cat Lover to move into after they are married. Crafty is moving upstairs much to her dismay until we can make all of these changes.

So many changes coming! I'm so excited for 2018... good things, I can feel it already.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you had a hard working day on this one. Of course, I am never surprised that this would be the case. I'm sure it is wonderful when you can get them settled where they need to to be. I am happy she got moved into her home.
    Blessings and hugs!
