
Jan 18, 2018

9,000,000 Things First

Dog Walker has been going through his old scrapbooks and about every other pic exclaims, "Do you think this one will work for the wedding video?" He is driving me crazy!

I know he is excited to get married, and I'm certainly glad of that, but at this moment, there are about 9,000,000 things that have to happen before we need to get that video made. My box of invitations is still sitting right where I left it when I opened it. We did count out the ones for her family and put them all in a ziploc bag, but Dog Walker keeps forgetting to give them to her.

My sweetie has almost all the paint finished in their downstairs apartment now so he should be able to get the tile in before he leaves town. That means we can accelerate finishing things up except for the kitchen, but it is still so much work!

I find myself staying up late because if I go to bed I just end up lying there because I can't sleep for thinking about stuff. Did I tell you my elementary-aged kids went back on track yesterday? I hadn't realized just how much they have been helping out with Twizlet on the days I watch her until today.

I miss Drama Queen and her helpful hands more than I can ever express.

1 comment:

  1. I think Dog Walker is so cute. I can just imagine how excited he is. I still have moments when big events are being planned and I can't go to sleep because my brain won't unwind. Sorry, that you don't have the extra hands now with the kids back to school. Praying for you dear friend. Hugs~
