
Dec 31, 2017

Too Many Projects

The holidays are almost over and we have been running like crazy to try to accomplish all the things we wanted to do during the time off. Last night we went up to the dance studio and took apart the church pew we loaned them. We really wanted it to look nice for their dance and since we had all the stuff to refinish it, it was just a matter of finding the time. My sweetie brought home all the parts that needed to be sanded, stained, and weather-proofed so they would be ready to reassemble on Monday morning. Dance classes start up again on Tuesday, so we had to get that project finished quickly.

My sweetie also had some things he needed to do for his mom, so we made a trip to Sanpete County. It's always fun to see Grandma! Bossy's family came with us and we shared our lunch and delicious donuts with them. We got home about 5:00 because I needed to make a trip to the grocery store before Beauty and The Beast brought Little Warrior by. It was their 3rd anniversary and they wanted a chance to go out to dinner.

Waiting yesterday at the DMV... we were incredibly bored...

Sport had plans to attend the stake dance and I had another project going on that I wanted to finish. We had purchased two new lights for the family room since we couldn't buy replacement bulbs for the old ones, but when my sweetie took the fixtures off the ceiling, we found two large spots of white paint. That meant we had to find the paint and then stand on a chair to blend it all into the old paint. That got to be my job. After 4 coats, I think it is finally close enough. Sadly, my sweetie is off to bed so the fixtures won't be able to go back up until tomorrow. I'm so excited to have good lighting in the family room again!

I'm also moving full speed ahead on getting things ready for Dog Walker's wedding. Such a challenge to work everything in! I'm sure it will all be fine in the long run, but every little task seems impossible right now.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you do have a slew of projects; always! Knowing you they will all happen.
    Have a very Happy New Year dear friend! Sending love and hugs~
