
Dec 5, 2017

Poor Scout

Scout has been struggling with back pain for a couple of months now and it is just not getting better. We have seen two different pediatricians with little success and we finally have a referral for an orthopedist. But today Scout felt like she just couldn't keep dealing with the pain, so ultimately we ended up in the emergency room.

They took X-rays of her back and neck and thankfully, everything looks normal, but they agreed that perhaps a chiropractor could help while we wait until next week for her orthopedist appointment.

So I was able to get her in to see the chiropractor I started with on my journey through back pain. Scout was cautiously optimistic as we drove home that maybe... just maybe... she was starting to feel better.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear that Scout is having back pain.Way to young for this. Happy the x-rays didn't show a problem. Sending prayers for her and hugs!
