
Dec 25, 2017

Happy Christmas Eve

Kids won't go to bed...

Sound like your house? We have had so much fun today with family here. Bossy and Gamer and their kids came over this afternoon and we decorated sugar cookies while my sweetie made us an amazing prime rib dinner. We usually do that on Christmas Day, but this year we decided to make a change.

Teach and Twizlet joined us too. Sadly, Twiz had to work, but we were happy to have the girls with us. We read the Christmas story and opened jammies. Baby Doll, Teach, and Dog Walker taught us all a new dance called the "Santa Claus." The resource kids at her school share it every year at the sing-a-long and we all had a good time jamming to the music.

My sweetie's brother made us another amazing game! It took them a while to figure out how to open it, read the instructions, and then actually play it. It is Egyptian-themed this year and so cool. The dice are sticks like the kind on the Ten Commandments...

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a sweet time with your family and friends. Thank you for supporting our blog. We love you all!

1 comment:

  1. It looked like the perfect Christmas Eve. Loved the PJ's. How fun to learn a new dance. Yup! Getting kids to bed on Christmas Eve has always been a challenge.
    Blessings and hugs!
