
Nov 30, 2017

Sorting and Discarding

My living room has been a disaster for several days now. I told the kids that I was finally going to sort through all the boxes of Christmas "stuff" that has been piling up for nearly 35 years. I let my sweetie know that all I wanted for Christmas was some huge, oversized boxes that would stack better than our old ones and not break as easily. He bought them for me early since I also wanted to (and already did!) sort through all of the other holiday boxes.

As you know, the Dog Walker loves Christmas lights and outside decorating, so I left all of that sorting up to him. Still, it was a huge job! I condensed 8 large boxes into 3 new ones. Drama Queen wanted a chance to go through and pick out her favorites before we sent things to the DI, so when she got home from work, the Dog Walker loaded 4 bulging boxes into her truck and now my living room is finally livable again.

Twizlet loved the singing Snoopy. Yeah, we are keeping this one.

I even managed to decorate the tree. I think it looks pretty good. Homemade ornaments are the best!

Thank goodness my new bulbs will be here tomorrow from Amazon. My village is a little dark.

1 comment:

  1. Your tree looks amazing! We too are trying to downsize our decorations a bit. We are going through things too. Looking forward to Dog Walkers Christmas disply. Love the cute photo of your sweet grandbaby. Hugs~
