
Nov 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving Eve

Princess has been cooking up a storm! She and The Frog are spending the night with us and first they made these yummy dinner rolls that were impossible not to snitch.

Now she is making pecan pies and the shells for Crafty's peanut butter cup pie. I, on the other hand, am having a difficult time getting into the baking spirit. It just doesn't feel like Thanksgiving here. We have had unseasonable highs and I ran around to stores and other errands in shorts and a t-shirt.

It's been a pretty quiet day other than that. I went to Smith's 3 times, so I hope I finally got everything we need. I spent the evening in my room wrapping Scout's birthday gifts first and then Christmas stuff afterward. My sweetie put on a sappy Christmas movie (which I thoroughly enjoyed).

We have all of the family coming up tomorrow and Lil Sis and her family. We are planning to eat around 5:00, so we have plenty of time to get things cooked up in the morning. I think I'll head back upstairs and turn on another Christmas movie...

1 comment:

  1. Wishing for your family a spectacular Thanksgiving Celebration! Your children are awesome at helping with it. Yes, indeed the weather is strange and it's harder to get into the cooking part. I was at the store a couple of times too. My husband is so awesome this year; he has done most of the dinner. All the side dishes are made so we just have the turkey and rolls. We have our famly from Heber coming so there will be 16 of us; which will be sweet. I can tell you will have a houseful plus. Have a great day!
    Blessings and hugs!
