
Nov 20, 2017

Happy Birthday, Taco

My oldest biological grandson turned 13 today. I remember when Bossy first came to me and told me she was pregnant. She and Gamer weren't married at the time; in fact, I don't think we had even met him yet (although I'm sure she will correct me if I'm wrong).

Bossy and I were struggling in our relationship. She was angry with me because I wanted her to share a room with her sisters, and she was certain that after living on her own for a year that going back to her childhood room would be asking too much.

So we found ourselves finally talking and she told me about the baby. She wasn't very far along then and at that point, Gamer wasn't sure he was ready for commitment. I offered to take the child and raise it as her sibling, but not as her child. It was a scary time for both of us, in uncharted waters, but the thing that ultimately sustained us all was love.

Gamer came around and asked Bossy to be his wife. We agreed and began planning a wedding. Then the unthinkable happened. It appeared that Bossy had lost the baby and I must confess, we were all pretty devastated; except Gamer. He calmly told me that it didn't matter; he still wanted Bossy to be his bride.

We scheduled one last doctor's visit as final proof of fetal demise. Bossy and I went together since Gamer had to work. Imagine our surprise to see that tiny heartbeat pounding away on the screen!

Taco has been a bright and sunny spot in our lives ever since. We love him and we are so happy to welcome him to teen-hood. Now if he could just learn to take better care of his phone...


  1. Happy 13th Birthday to your grandson, Taco! He is such a cute one. What a miracle that he was. That's hard story to tell but I very loving one. Blessings and hugs for all!
