
Nov 12, 2017

Bingham Ball 2017

Yesterday was a crazy day for Crafty. She had invited a cute boy to Bingham Ball (our formal girls' choice dance) before she realized she had a dance exhibition on the same day. It was difficult to balance, but somehow, everything worked out.

They started the morning playing laser tag and she got home about noon. Bossy came over and took her to the Family Christmas Gift Show for her performance and we went with the little girls to their pinewood derby race (more about that tomorrow). Crafty did a fantastic job as you can see from these amazing pics (thanks, Bossy!). The only problem was that they started 10 minutes late so instead of ending by 3:45, it was 3:55 and although that might not sound like that big of a deal, she was supposed to be in her formal with her date at her friend's house at 4:00 for pictures.

They had already planned to be a little later, but they were shooting for picking her date up at 4:15. Obviously that wasn't going to work. We got home right in the middle of everything and she was sitting on a stool in her dress while Teach was curling her hair. It was 4:30.

I had no idea what to do, but I sure didn't want to have to drive her downtown to find the Olive Garden. The group was leaving at 4:50. So I offered to pick up her date. It's a good thing his mom is my friend, because she was pretty reluctant to let him go without a picture, but I convinced her I would get at least one before they took off.

When we got back to the house, she was still 3 curls away from being finished so I took the boutonniere outside and pinned it on his lapel. Then I took her flower inside and placed it on her wrist. She followed me out this time and I shooed them under a tree for a quick pic before I ran them to her friend's house.

They got there at 4:44. Six minutes to spare before they left for downtown and enough time to snap a few group pics. The evening went well and she was super tired when she finally got home about midnight. Lots of drama and lots of fun.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that plan pulled together in a mixed up lind of way. I loved all the dance photos and she looked great in them. The costumes were colorful and it looked fun. I’m happy you figured out how to get her to the dinner before the dance moment for her and her date.
    Happy you got a cute photo of the two of them. Her dress is lovely.
    Hugs for that busy Crafty girl!
