
Nov 17, 2017

A Thanksgiving Birthday

Scout's first birthday was on Thanksgiving and it was so hard to decide if we should have birthday cake or pie. We finally chose to have both.

Next week will be the third time she has had to celebrate her birthday on Thanksgiving, but at 12, she will be old enough to make all of those hard decisions (like cake or pie) by herself. She has opted to have pie on Thursday and a totally separate family party with cake on Sunday. (I told you she was a smart girl...)

Cutie Patootie!
 One other thing we have learned over the years is that if she wants to have friends actually show up to a party, she needs to move it away from the holiday. That is why we had a party for some of her very best friends today, 6 days early.

She had great attendance, with only one girl who was unable to come. We did hair and nails and had a terrific time. Nobody even got burned on a curling iron.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, her party sounded like a fun one. I think you are smart to have it not connected close to a holiday. I have a daughter who was born on December 23rd and I remember that it was a hard time to have a birthday. We always tried to make it extra special.
    Happy Birthday and hugs for Scout!
