
Oct 4, 2017

Planning the Wedding

I told you we were in for a crazy week, and in spite of that, I'm feeling pretty good about the day. Part of the garden froze last night so we picked 4 huge bowls of tomatoes and made them into sauce. I used some of it for dinner and my sweetie is going to use the rest to make chili for the wedding party on Saturday.

Bridal bouquet made by Drama Queen.
 While I was in the kitchen, I made 3 layers of the wedding cake and should be able to get the other 3 done tomorrow. I was nervous about it, but honestly, it was about the same as making birthday cakes only bigger. My off-track kids worked on Reflections stuff. Curly and Scout made beautiful wreaths and Baby Doll used her flowers to make an arrangement in a glass vase.

This is my favorite bridal pic.
Crafty was throwing up this morning so she stayed home from school and got in on the fun as well. She didn't feel well enough to finish her wreath, but it has some real potential. Thankfully, she still has a couple of weeks before her deadline. Drama Queen used her flowers to make the bridal bouquet for Fajita.

Finally finished the guest book today. You ever try to sew paper with a needle and thread?
The wedding is pulling together steadily and I'm hoping to have everything together by Friday night. Did you like the preview pics? We keep adding a few things here and there, so I'm guessing we might still be throwing stuff together as we head for the church!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you all work together to pull a wedding together. It's so awesome. Blessings and hugs for all~
