
Oct 2, 2017

Happy Birthday from the Family, Crafty

We had sort of a different family birthday party for Crafty today. Since it was General Conference (my kids fondly refer to it as "church on TV"), we thought it would be fun to start the party at 11:00 with Belgian waffles. Then the kids could just hang out and watch conference with us.

It didn't work out quite the way we had planned.

Princess and The Frog didn't come over until 5:00, so they missed almost everyone else. Beauty and The Beast only stayed for a little while and we didn't see Prima Donna at all. Grandpa missed the party too because he was helping usher for conference down on Temple Square.

I didn't have time to wrap the few extra clothes I bought for Crafty because the gift we really gave her was a used CriCut paper cutter we bought from Princess last month. But it was fun decorating the cake with Crafty and she was pretty excited for the fondant cutter, new cupcake frosting tips, and measuring spoons we put on the cake.

This week we are heading into promises to be crazy and hopefully fun. Fajita is getting married on Saturday and Baby Doll is turning 7. Can you believe we have been blogging for nearly 7 years? She was only 4 months old when Twelve Makes A Dozen was born.

So many changes since then. My sweet little 11-year-old Crafty is now 17, and we won't even talk about how old I'm getting...

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