
Oct 29, 2017

Daybreak Halloween Party

You are probably getting a bit tired of our Halloweening, but we have had so much fun this year hitting up some of the parties and just enjoying the buildup to the big holiday on Tuesday.

On Saturday, we started the day with Crafty taking the ACT, and playoffs for our football teams. Scout and Sport both lost their games in the final seconds. Taco and Curly will both be playing again this coming Saturday in championship games for their divisions.

After the football games, Curly and Crafty had practice for The Nutcracker, and Sport was doing Youth City Council service down at the big Halloween party in Daybreak. Since we had to take him down there anyway, Bossy and I took all the younger kids (except Curly) and we decided to play for an hour.

After getting Sport all setup to hand out candy for one of the local businesses, we got tickets for the Grand Adventure. It was fun, but a LOT of walking. We visited various people on our trip including a fortune teller, a pirate, a troll, a couple of executioners, a dragon, and witches. The kids loved it! Their favorite part was helping build the castle so the dragon could knock it down again.

When we finished our adventure, we went treat-or-treating up and down Soda Row. All the kids wanted to do the Electric Slide and it wasn't long before Bossy joined them, showing off her amazing dance steps. I stood back and took pictures, of course.

A few crafts and a couple of booths later and it was time to get back home. The kids were off on another "grand adventure," this time to Teach and Twiz's house. Maybe we can get one of them to do a write-up for us tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I must say you do have a very busy and fun life. How you keep up with it all continues to amaze me. I can't imagine having so many in football. I often try to imagine how many grandchildren you will eventually have. It looks like this was an extra fun Halloween adventure.
    Blessings and hugs!
